The Mystery of God

By Faris Badii

First presented at the Irfan Colloquia Session #107
Louhelen Bahá'í Center: Davison, Michigan, USA
October 7–10, 2011
(see list of papers from #107)

    Even though "`Abdu'l-Bahá" was the title preferred by the Center of the Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh Himself, His titles and appellations are many. Among them "the Trust of God," "this sacred and glorious being," "this Branch of Holiness," "the Limb of the Law of God," "this sublime, this blessed, this mighty, this exalted Handiwork," "the most great Favor," "the most perfect bounty," and "the Master," are noteworthy. However, "The Mystery of God," conferred upon Him by Bahá'u'lláh is perhaps the most intriguing. We would like to explore some aspects of this title and its historical evidentiary aspects. From His birth, to His knowledge of that which was hidden to the commoners, to conditions surrounding His marriage, His selection and appointment of His successor, His astonishing predictions including the end of "Pax Britannica" and even conditions surrounding His ascension all point to unique and enigmatic historical events that mystify the mind.

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