The Most Great Prison:
An Historical Outlook on the City of 'Akká

By Kamran Ekbal

First presented at the Irfan Colloquia Session #22
London, England
August 27–29, 1999
(see list of papers from #22)

    'Akká is one of the most ancient cities of the world, which has been inhabited without interruption since the early ages. Its strategic position on the military route connecting Asia with Africa, as well as its significance as one of the best harbors on the eastern Mediterranean, turned it into a melting pot of different peoples, cultures, and religions that dwelled within its walls: Jews, Zoroastrians, Greeks, Romans, Christians and Moslems.

    In this general review, special importance will be given to the Ottoman period and to some of its major buildings that played a role during the early Bahá'í history of the city.

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