The Tablet of Laylatu'l-Quds

By Nabil Fares

First presented at the Irfan Colloquia Session #32
Bosch Bahá'í School: California, USA
November 23–26, 2000
(see list of papers from #32)

    This lucid and splendid tablet was revealed in Adrianople in answer to Darvish Sadeq 'Alí. The content of Lawh-i-Laylatu'l Quds opens a view to numerous themes in the Bahá'í dispensation. The topics presented are: the servitude and humbleness of Bahá'u'lláh in relation to Almighty God; that all proceeding from the Manifestation of God is from God and the will of the Manifestation is none other than the will of God; the importance of unity among the believers; requests for blessings and bestowals for those friends who have succeeded in being united; the significance of not causing anybody distress and harm; how the goal of all must be to build unity and refrain from contention; and the ultimate reason why the Manifestation of God bears difficulties.

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