Surah Al-Shams, The Sun

By Muin Afnan

First presented at the Irfan Colloquia Session #40
Bosch Bahá'í School: California, USA
May 23–26, 2002
(see list of papers from #40)

    This Tablet was revealed in response to queries of Shaykh Mahmúd, the religious judge of Akká. He had requested for an explanation of a Surah (chapter) of the Qur'án called the Sun. This Tablet is revealed entirely in Arabic. Shaykh Mahmúd became a believer in Bahá'u'lláh and collected, in the form of a book, many prophecies from Islamic traditions on the blessings of Akká, the Holy Land, and the visitors of Akká.

    In this Tablet, Bahá'u'lláh first admonishes him to leave aside question and answer, purify himself of worldly attachment, and ascend to the heaven of nearness of the Beloved. Then, He comments on the worldly knowledge that has made some people arrogant and has been the cause of Bahá'u'lláh's imprisonment. Then He proceeds to give some of the meanings enshrined in this Surah. As for the word Sun, He says there are numerous meanings, of which He offers four:

    1) First and foremost, Sun refers to the Primal Will of God. No one except God knows the secret of this sublime station;

    2) In the second place, Sun refers to the station of Manifestations of God Who are the spiritual Suns of Divine Names and Attributes in the world of creation. For instance, those who followed Christ were illumined from the rays of that luminous Sun until it dawned again from Hijaz (Arabia);

    3) Next, Sun refers to the Holy Ones who succeed the Manifestations of God, and also refers to friends of God;

    4) Finally, the word Sun encompasses all the Divine Names such as All Knowing. Bahá'u'lláh gives explanation for other word sand phrases of his Súrah such as Moon, Noon, Heaven, Earth, etc. At the end of the Tablet Bahá'u'lláh offers a prayer for Shaykh Mahmúd so that he may be able to drink of the cup of detachment destined for the holy ones of God.

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