Labor Strikes and Disputes from the Perspective of Some Answered Questions

By Farhad Sabetan

First presented at the Irfan Colloquia Session #81
Bosch Bahá'í School: Santa Cruz, California, USA
May 29 – June 1, 2008
(see list of papers from #81)

    In this paper the general question of labor-management dichotomy will be discussed from an economic perspective, based on the lesson number 78 in Some Answered Questions. Specifically, there are at least fifteen fundamental economic issues brought up in `Abdu'l-Bahá's discussion on labor strikes including, but not limited to: extremes in distribution of wealth, profit maximization, utility maximization, the question of exploitation and the rise of labor movement, the question of equity and justice vis-à-vis equality, normative judgment for policy considerations, laws and morals, on Marxian inequality, profit sharing as an end to exploitation, risks and rewards, welfare issues (social security and workers compensation), guidelines for justice, government intervention in economic issues, intermediation and conflict resolution, and economic inter-relationship. The paper discusses some of these issues in depth and touches on other issues as necessary.

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