`Irfán Colloquium will be held in the beautiful surroundings of Bosch Bahá'í School that provides a restful and refreshing environment for the participants. Irfán program includes presentations on systematic Bahá'í studies in fundamental principles of the Bahá'í beliefs, the Writings of the Central Figures of the Bahá'í Faith, and the interface between the Bahá'í Faith and current intellectual and religious trends. On the occasion of centenary celebration of `Abdu'l-Bahá's visit to Europe and North America, 1911-1913, some of the presentation will be related to that historic event. Program also includes intervals of musical performances. `Irfán Colloquium takes place in an informal and collegial atmosphere, which provides a unique opportunity for meeting and associating with those interested in systematic Bahá'í studies. Participants receive a free set of the recent `Irfán publications. Program starts at dinner time on Wednesday May 18 and ends after Lunch on Subday May 22, 2011.
Update: Santa Cruz: Bosch Bahá'á School announces a special Panel Presentation and open dialogue on "A New Atheism and the Bahá'i Writings" at the Irfán Colloquium sessions, 18-22 May 2011. The more recent scientific discoveries and advances have promoted a new atheistic movement that is fast spreading in the academic circles. It is particularly attracting the attention and challenging the younger generations of Bahá'is who are engaged in various fields of academic and scientific endeavors. This panel presentation and open discussion conducted by Dr. Ian Kluge and Dr. Mahyad Rahnamaie is a unique opportunity for the participants at the Irfán Colloquium to investigate the guidance given in the Bahá'i Writings in order to respond to the questions and challenges raised by this new atheistic movement.