To Study and to Teach:
Twin Duties in service to the Cause of God

By Hooper Dunbar

First presented at the Irfan Colloquia Session #130
Bosch Bahá'í School: Santa Cruz, California
May 22–25, 2015
(see list of papers from #130)

    Drawing from numerous examples from the Holy Texts, Shoghi Effendi singles out these two major obligations as ever incumbent upon the believers with respect to the propagation of the Cause. The presentation will draw attention to some of these vital sources from the Holy Writings, as well as to other references in the Guardian's own correspondence bearing on the topic. The extracts help explore the wide spectrum of preparation versus inspiration, an ongoing challenge to the sincere believer. Consideration of the acceptability of matching our preparations to our given capacity. The question of expanded capacity by grace itself as a dimension of preparation. Suggested approaches and steps in the study of the Writings. The role of learning aspects not necessarily needed in an initial presentation of the Faith.

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