Tablets of the Divine Plan:
Virtues of Effort, Magnanimity, and Sanctity

By Marlene Koswan

Presented at the Irfan Colloquia Session #137
Bosch Baha'i School: Santa Cruz, CA
May 26–30, 2016
(see list of papers from #137)

    Following `Abdu'l-Bahá's visit to America He wrote The Tablets of the Divine Plan which laid out His vision of the spiritual conquest of the planet. In this paper we will review the virtues He mentioned in these Tablets and their context. In some instances the virtues are used to highlight the qualities of individuals, to provide instructions as to the behavior Bahá'ís need to develop, or have been included in prayers as attributes the believers are requesting God's assistance. Focus will be placed on the three virtues of effort, magnanimity and sanctity by referring to `Abdu'l-Bahá's talks as recorded in Promulgation of Universal Peace.

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