Tablet of Bismilih

By Muin Afnan

First presented at the Irfan Colloquia Session #40
Bosch Bahá'í School: California, USA
May 23–26, 2002
(see list of papers from #40)

    This Tablet is revealed in Akká partly in Persian and partly in Arabic. From the content appears that it is revealed to. some one who had harbored some enmity towards the Faith. Bahá'u'lláh admonishes him to turn his face towards the message of God; also, He ends the Tablet with a long prayer and asks the addressee to offer this prayer so that he may be forgiven for all that he has done against the Faith. The name of the Tablet is derived from the opening phrase that is used at the beginning of all, except one, of the Súrahs of the Qur'án, which says: "In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate." Some of the main themes of this Tablet are:
    • The purpose of creation is the recognition of God (His Manifestation).

    • It is incumbent upon everyone, after attaining maturity, to search after truth without any trace of prejudice or enmity. Everyone in the world is following a different creed, but if they were to look with eye of justice and fairness they would recognize the truth of the Cause.

    • His holiness Christ was the target of countless calamities such that He ascended to the fourth heaven.

    • That which is the cause of betterment of the world and prosperity of its people has been explained by Him (Bahá'u'lláh) at all times even when He was under the most severe persecution in the Most Great Prison (Akká)

    • This Youth (Bahá'u'lláh) never entered any school, neither was he trained in sciences.

    • This is the great Day of God in which the secrets of hearts will become manifest to all.

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