Why Creation Exists?

By Mehrzad Rouhani

First presented at the Irfan Colloquia Session #58
Louhelen Bahá'í School: Davison, Michigan, USA
October 8–11, 2004
(see list of papers from #58)

    The main gist of this presentation is about Love, Divine love, the purpose for creation and Love in the Writings. Basically God creates out of love. In the unapproachable station of His unknowable Oneness, The main gist of this presentation is about Love, Divine love, the purpose for creation and Love in the Writings. Basically God creates out of love. In the unapproachable station of His unknowable Oneness, wherein He alone is, He knows His love for that which comes into existence because He is Creator and because it is created by Him, is His reflection. We will look at the Hadith of "Thou wert a Hidden treasure" (kuntu-Kanzan-Makhfiyan). Now among His creatures He chooses one, the human being, for a special love: in us He reflects His whole `image', to us He says: "Know thou, that I ... have perfected through thee My bounty and have desired for thee that which I have desired for My Self." This image of God engraved within the individual, this divine trust entrusted to us, is the blessing and the challenge of our lives: it is our spiritual reality, our soul. This is the power, which drives us, is it also the power which drives the universe, does it make the "world go round" so to speak? Is it the love we know or is it something else? These are some of the questions we shall be pondering upon.

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