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Unity of Revelation, Revelation of Unity: Bahá'u'lláh's "Most Sublime Vision"
by Wolfgang Klebel
Occasional Papers volume 2
'Irfán Colloquia
Bahá'í National Center
1233 Central Street
Evanston, IL 60201
Phone: (847) 733-3501
Fax: (847) 733-3502
E-mail: iayman@usbnc.org
Sponsored by the Haj Mehdi Arjmand Memorial Fund
166 B.E. 2009 C.E.
Copyright © 2009, Haj Mehdi Arjmand Memorial Fund
Cover design by Majid Nolley
Typeset by Jonah Winters, winterswebworks.com
Table of Contents
Revelation of Unity of God, Religion, World......................9
Unity of the Bahá'í Revelation...................................17
Unity of God in Christianity, Islam, and the Bahá'í Faith........25
Overview of a Philosophy of Integral Unity.......................39
Bahá'í Unity in Diversity........................................44
The Emerging Universe............................................50
Unity in Quantum Mechanics.......................................57
Enchantment through Spirituality.................................62
Emergence of the New Creation....................................64
Entanglement in Unity............................................68
Excellence of the Human Mind and Consciousness...................71
Abbreviations used in this book..................................91
'Irfán Publications..............................................92
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