All papers by Cope

There are 2 papers by Cope

TitleTitle translationAuthor 1Author 2LanguageSessionPublishedAbstractonline
Firm Cord of Servitude, The   e Theo Cope English 28 Lights2 Many works on mysticism from a psychological point of view adopt a view that is psycho-physiological. A true psychology takes the psyche/soul as an independent and autonomous reality. 'Abdu'l-Baha informs the Baha'i teacher that they must become "embodied intellect and personified spirit," offering us an approach to mysticism that is embodied and p... read online  
Firm Cord of Servitude, The   e Theo Cope English 30 Many works on mysticism from a psychological point of view adopt a view that is psychophysiological. A true psychology takes the psyche/soul as an independent and autonomous reality. 'Abdu'l-Baha informs the Baha'i teacher that they must become "embodied intellect and personified spirit," offering us an approach to mysticism that is embodied and ps...