Báb's Commentary on the Hadith al-Haqíqa (The Hadith about the Ultimate Reality):
or the Tradition of Kumayl ibn Ziyad, al-Nakha'i

By Stephen Lambden

First presented at the Irfan Colloquia Session #46
Bosch Bahá'í School: California, USA
May 1–4, 2003
(see list of papers from #46)

    The Hadíth al-Haqíqa ("Tradition concerning Ultimate Reality") or Hadíth Kumayl is the record of an alleged (Arabic) conversation between the first Shí'í Imám, `Alí b. Abí Tálib (d.40/661) and his Shí`í associate, the one-time governor of Hít (Iraq), Kumayl ibn Ziyád ibn Nahíd ibn Haytham ibn Sa'd ibn Malik ibn al-Nakha'í. (d. c.81 / 701) whose shrine is located at wadí al-salám near Najaf (Iraq) (al-Mufíd, K. al-Irshád). It has to do with the nature and definition of of al-haqíqa which is often (loosely) translated as "Reality" or "Ultimate Reality".

    The hadíth al-haqíqa is a well-known tradition much discussed and highly influential in Shí'í Islamic philosophy and mysticism as well as many times registered in Bábí-Bahá'í scripture. It has been commented upon by the early Shaykhí leaders as well as many gnostic (irfani) or esoterically minded thinkers among them Hájí Mullá Hádí Sabziwárí (d. c.1295/ 1878). He had occasion to comment upon the Hadíth al-haqíqa in various of his works including the recently republished (new edition) of his 'Commentary on the Most Beautiful Names of God'.

    The hadíth al-haqíqa has several times been (partially) translated into English, once by the Cambridge orientalist Edward G. Browne (d.1926) and again by the American Presbyterian missionary Dwight M Donaldson (d.1976) whose article has been published in the periodical Muslim World.

    In his commentary on the hadíth al-haqíqa the Báb introduces it as follows:

    In commentary upon the 'Tradition about Reality' (hadíth al-haqíqa) which has it that Kumayl ibn Zíyyád al-Nakha'í was riding one day behind {imam]'Alí (upon Him be peace) on his she-camel (náqa). And Kumayl said 'O my Master, what is al-haqíqa ("Reality")?' [Imám] 'Alí upon Him be peace replied, 'What have you to do with Reality?' He [Kumayl] responded,'Am I not a custodian of thy secret (sáhib al-sirrika)? He ['Ali] said,'Yes! but what merely sprinkles down upon thee overfloweth abundantly through me.' Subsequently 'Ali gives several somewhat cryptic definitions of al-haqíqa (Reality). The final definition refers to the subh al-azal ("Morn of Eternity") and is the ultimate source of the title of Mirza Yahya (c. 1834-1912) (Per.) Subh-i Azalpeace) on his she-camel (náqa). And Kumayl said 'O my Master, what is al-haqíqa ("Reality")?' [Imám] 'Alí upon Him be peace replied, 'What have you to do with Reality?' He [Kumayl] responded,'Am I not a custodian of thy secret (sáhib al-sirrika)? He ['Ali] said,'Yes! but what merely sprinkles down upon thee overfloweth abundantly through me.' Subsequently 'Ali gives several somewhat cryptic definitions of al-haqíqa (Reality). The final definition refers to the subh al-azal ("Morn of Eternity") and is the ultimate source of the title of Mirza Yahya (c. 1834-1912) (Per.) Subh-i Azal

    Among the imamological and other senses given the Hadíth Kumayl by the Báb is that it revolves around the high station of Imam 'Ali, whose Logos-Self is represented as the creative genesis of Being and a divine effulgence which mediates divine realities in the world of creation.

    The Báb from very early in his mission cited and gave importance to the Hadíth Kumayl. He cited it in his early Risála fi'l-sulúk ("Treatise on the Path") as he did later in his (Persian) Dalá'il-i sab`ih (Seven Proofs) where it is also given an interesting imamological exegesis.

    In this presentation an attempt will be made to sum up the Báb's interpretations of al-haqíqa (Ultimate Reality) in the light of their Shí'í - Shaykhí background. A few of Bahá'u'lláh's interpretations of passages in the Hadíth al-haqíqa will also be briefly summed up.

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