In this paper, we suggest that the Baha'i concept of continuity of revelation could form the basis of a deeper interreligious dialogue with other world religions. We attempt to apply it to central differences in the dialogue between Muslims and Christians, and investigate to what extent this is consistent with current academic scholarship. We concl...
Laws encapsulate principles. In some cases they appear to conflict. Although the equality of men and women is among the major social principles of the Bahaii Faith, Baha'u'llah's legislation does not treat men and women identically in every respect. It would appear that the complex Baha'i laws of inheritance in the Kitab-i-Aqdas favor men over wome...
though Baha'i texts explicitly affirm the validity of the major world religions, the idea of grading religious movements and theological developments is not alien to them. For example, aspects of Shiite and
Sufi thought, some of Luther's reforms of the Catholic church, and certain secular changes in the late nineteenth century Middle East are e...