All papers by Motlagh

There are 2 papers by Motlagh

TitleTitle translationAuthor 1Author 2LanguageSessionPublishedAbstractonline
God of the Bible and the God of Qur'án, The   e Hushidar Motlagh English 58 Christian theologians are writing many books against Islam. The objections they raise against Islam can be compared to a gigantic tree rooted in this concept: Allah, as described in the Qur'an, does not resemble the true God. He is someone else, perhaps a fictitious being, who masquerades himself as God. Christian theologians show intense interest ...  
Knowledge of God and the Afterlife   e Hushidar Motlagh English 128 The key to an enduring happiness is the knowledge of God. My talk will focus on this statement from Baha'u'llah in The Kitab-i-Íqan: What "oppression" is greater than that which hath been recounted? What "oppression" is more grievous than that a soul seeking the truth, and wishing to attain unto the knowledge of God, should know not where t...