All papers by Peyman

There are 2 papers by Peyman

TitleTitle translationAuthor 1Author 2LanguageSessionPublishedAbstractonline
On the Tablet of All Food   e Peyman Sazedj English 104 The Tablet of All Food (Lawh-i-Kullu't-Ta'am) is the first emanation of the Pen of Baha'u'llah in response to an inquiry and `one of the first fruits of His Divine Pen'. It was revealed in response to Haji Mirza Kamalu'd-Din's questions on the Qur'anic verse: "All food was allowed to the children of Israel..." Nabil testifies in his Mathnavi that i...  
Panel Discussion: Baha'i Penal Laws   e Payam Akhavan Sama Peyman English 4 This morning was devoted to a panel discussion led by Payam Akhavan and Sama Payman about Baha'i penal laws. Much of the presentation focused on a document about capital punishment by the Baha'i International Community and comments on the principles the document set out.