All papers by Warburg

There are 2 papers by Warburg

TitleTitle translationAuthor 1Author 2LanguageSessionPublishedAbstractonline
Globalization and Bahá'í Relations to World System of Society   e Margit Warburg English 18 The development of the Baha'i religion and its teachings on the unification of the world is historically and conceptually congruent with the onset of globalization, as it is viewed by the sociologist of religion, Roland Robertson, one of the most productive scholars in the study of religion and globalization. In my present work on the Baha'i religi...  
Religious Definitions and Religious Polemics: Baha'i in Popular Handbooks of Religion   e Margit Warburg English 8 For the general public popular handbooks are important sources of information on the various religious groups in contemporary Western society, including Baha'i. These books reach a wide circle of readers, and it is of interest to study how Baha'i is presented in such literature. I have systematically surveyed about fifty such handbooks; most of the...